How to transfer files from your old Office account to your new Office account


  • Active SUNY Broome MyCollege account

  • Computer

  • Smartphone

  • Stable internet connection



  • MFA stands for Multi Factor Authentication. MFA is a process where you have to perform an extra step beyond entering your username and password to login to your account. This extra step commonly includes things such as being texted or emailed a number to provide at login.


Section 1: Sign into your old account

  1. Open a new browser window or tab

  2. Navigate to

  3. Select Sign in

  1. Enter your username and password

PLEASE NOTE: In order to access your data, you will need to enter a slightly different username that ends with “”.

For example, if your SUNY Broome email address is "," then your username to temporarily access your previous account would be "".


  1. If you have already setup MFA on your previous account, you can skip this step. If not, follow the instructions in section 6, step 1.

  2. If you have previously set up your recovery phone, you can skip this step. If not, follow the instructions in the section 6, step 2. 


Section 2: Download your files

  1. After signing into your old account on, select the Menu icon in the upper left.


  1. Select OneDrive


  1. If you have already setup MFA on your previous account, you can skip this step. If not, follow the instructions in the section 6, step 2. 

  2. If you have previously set up your recovery phone, you can skip this step. If not, follow the instructions in the section 6, step 2. 

  3. Select My files


  1. Click the Select all files button


Please note: The Select all icon may be hidden. If you hover your mouse over the location where it should be and it will appear.


  1. Click Download


  1. Wait for the download to finish.

  2. Click on the download. This is the folder that contains all the files you just downloaded. This will open a different app that will display all the files you just downloaded. 


  1. Keep this window open. You will need it later.


Section 3: Sign out of your old Office account

  1. Select your account icon in the upper right


  1. Select Sign out


  1. Wait for the sign out to complete

  2. Close the browser

  3. Open a new browser

  4. Navigate back to

Please note: If you are still logged into your old account, it may automatically log you back in. You will need to follow the previous few steps to sign out again.


  1. If the browser has fully forgotten your old account, you can skip this step. If you are still having difficulty removing your old account, you can either change to a different browser or you can refer to section 6, step 3.


Section 4: Access and setup your new Office account

  1. Navigate to

  2. Enter your username and password

Please note: Your username will now be the same as your SUNY Broome email address and your password will now be the same as your MyCollege password. If you change your MyCollege password, you are also changing this password. 


  1. We will now complete the MFA setup process. Select Next.

Please note: You will need your smartphone to complete this section.


  1. Select Download now to get to the application installation QR codes.


  1. Scroll down to the QR codes


  1. Using your phone, open the Camera app and scan the QR code that applies to your phone. For Android phones, it will take you to the Play store. For iPhones, this will take you to the App store.

  2. Install the Microsoft Authenticator application on your phone.

  3. Open the Microsoft Authenticator application on your phone.

  4. If prompted, allow notifications. 

  5. Add an account by tapping the + sign in the upper right

  6. Select "Work or school"

  7. Select Scan a QR code


  1. Once you have the QR code scanner open in Microsoft Authenticator on your phone, return to your computer and continue by clicking Next.


  1. Click next again.


  1. Scan the QR code that appears on your computer screen with the QR code scanner in the Microsoft Authenticator application on your phone. 

  2. Continue through the MFA setup process by clicking Next


  1. Microsoft may display an error at this point. If you see the following screen, close your browser, remove the account from your Microsoft Authenticator application and retry from the beginning of section four. If you do not see the following screen, you can continue.


If you successfully completed the previous steps, you should receive a notification on your phone to enter the number you are seeing on your computer screen. This is the MFA process you will experience moving forward with

  1. Enter the number you see on your computer screen into the prompt on your phone in Microsoft Authenticator.



  1. Allow the login by accepting it on your phone.

  2. Continuing on the computer, click Next.


  1. Continue again by clicking done. 


  1. Check the box “Don’t show this again.” and select Yes.


Section 5: Upload Files to your new Office account

  1. After logging into your new Office account at, select the Menu icon in the upper left


  1. Select OneDrive


  1. Select My files


  1. Return to the other application that shows all the files you downloaded earlier. 


  1. Drag and drop each of the files you want to upload into your browser


  1. You have now completed transferring all your data and set up your new Office account. When you login to from now on, you will login with your full SUNY Broome email address and your MyCollege password.


Section 6: Troubleshooting

  1. Temporary MFA skip process: The order of prompts may be slightly different depending on how you have interacted with your account. The goal of this step is to pass through setting up MFA if possible. If you are unable to skip through setting up MFA, follow the instructions in step ????? below. Then return to step 6 to continue. 
  • Select Next.


  • Select Ask later if asked to go through the MFA process. We will complete this process on your new account in a later step.


  • Select No if asked to stay signed in.


  • You should now have completed the temporary MFA skip process.


  1. Temporary recovery phone skip: Use the following instructions to skip through this process.

  • Select Skip Setup

  • Select No when asked to stay signed in.


  • You should now have completed the temporary recovery phone skip process.


  1. Use the following steps to troubleshoot fully forgetting your old account from your browser:


  • Select Sign in


  • Click three small dots to the right of your old account name 


  • Select delete.