Installing Microsoft Office on a Personal Computer


All students, faculty, and staff are given complimentary access to the Microsoft Office Suite when they are a part of the SUNY Broome community. The Microsoft Office Suite includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and many other programs. If you would like to use any of those programs on your personal computer, the below instructions while guide you through the process of logging into your Microsoft Office account (or creating a new account), downloading the software, and installing it.



1. Windows Troubleshooting

Please note:  The login for your Microsoft Office Online account will be your SUNY Broome email address and your MyCollege password.

Before continuing, check the programs currently installed on your computer. If Office 365 is currently installed, you will need to uninstall it before you proceed.

2. Unlink

Jump to the un-linking step in the troubleshooting menu.

3. Macintosh Troubleshooting

Jump to the Macintosh Troubleshooting in the troubleshooting menu.


Step 1: Log into Microsoft Office 365 Online and/or create your Microsoft Office account

Navigate to the following address and click the button that reads "Download Microsoft Office 365 Education For Free".


Select Get started:



Enter your SUNY Broome email and select Next:



Select the option that pertains to you:



Follow the instructions in the image:



Follow the instructions in the image:



Follow the instructions in the image:



Select Sign In:



Follow the instructions in the image:



Install the Microsoft Authenticator on your Android or iOS device a link has been provided so you can scan the QR code to get the application store link:



Please note: These images have been taken from an older KB article but to setup the authenticator the steps are the same.

Select Next:



The Microsoft Authenticator should be already installed on your mobile device at this point; select Next:



Scan the QR Code with the Microsoft Authenticator; select Next:



After selecting Next you should be prompted to enter the code that appears on your screen:



After typing the number on your screen into your mobile device you should get this notification:



Now the Microsoft Authenticator; has been setup successfully we can move back to the remaining steps:



Follow the instructions in the image; Select Skip & go to Office 365 Education:



Select Get Started:



Once you have completed the sign in/ sign up process, you will arrive at a page similar to this. Notice the "Install and more" button in the upper right:


Please note: If you would like to return to this page at a later time, you will not need to go through this process again. Instead, navigate to the following website:


Step 2: Log into Microsoft Office 365 Online and/or create your Microsoft Office account

Continuing from the webpage above, select the "Install apps and more" button. Then select

Please note: If you are missing these options, call the ITS Help Desk at (607) 778-5011 and request that ITS verify the correct Microsoft Office license is assigned to your account.

Once you click "Microsoft 365 apps", the program will download. Simply click it and it will install the programs on to your computer.


During the install if it doesn't automatically log you into the office suite it will prompt with a message box show in the image below:

You need to select the blue text "No, sign in ot this app only" this will log your account into every office application included in the suite.



Continuing from the webpage above, select the "Install apps and more" button. Then select "Install Microsoft 365 apps"


Select "Install Office"


Select "Allow"


Wait for it to finish downloading, then select the OfficeInstall.pkg


Select "Continue"


Select "Continue"


Select "Agree"


Select "Continue"


Select "Install"


Type in the password you use to log into your Macintosh device and select "Install Software"


Wait for the install to finish


Teams will open immediately after the OfficeInstall.pkg finishes, select "Allow" and close Teams. You will want to quit Teams completly if you're going to do the updates.


Select "Close"


Select "Move to Trash" as the OfficeInstall.pkg is no longer needed


Select "OK"


Follow the note within the image select "Update" or close on the red dot


Open Microsoft Word


Word should greet you with this window, if not the images below explain what to do


Log into Word with your SUNY Broome email


Your password for this will be your MyCollege password as they're linked


Use whatever two factor authentication you have set up to finish logging in **This test account doesn't use the Microsoft Authenticator**


After successfully typing in your two factor authentication you should be prompt with this


Test to see if you can type


Windows Troubleshooting:

This section will go over a few common issues.

If you do not have the option to install the applications from the website, you will need to call the ITS Help Desk at (607) 778-5011 and request that Networking assign a Microsoft Office license to your account.

If you were able to download and install the software, but it is not launching correctly, you may have extra versions of Microsoft Office installed on your computer. Check the programs that are currently installed on your computer and remove ALL versions of Microsoft Office. Then download Microsoft Office from the above website again and re-install it. The below screen shot is an example from a Windows PC that had multiple versions of Office installed. Simply select the three dots, selects uninstall, wait for it to complete, and restart the computer. Once these steps have been completed, download Office again and re-install it.


If during the install you clicked OK and not "No, sign into this app only" image shown below:

There will need to be a little clean up, and this is only for Windows at the moment.


Unlink your SUNY Broome account from your OS

Close out of all Office365 Programs.

Navigate to your Windows search and type Access work or school:


Disconnect your account:

On to the next step below.

WARNING: If you only have the SUNY Broome OFFICE365 this is okay to do otherwise do NOT do this step

Navigate to the two following directories listed below. You can copy and paste the commands into your Windows search and the directory should be opened.



Everything in the two directories listed above needs to be deleted.

***If copying and pasting the two folder paths above results in no folders found this step can be skipped***

Re authenticate your Office365 Enterprise install

Open an Office365 program, in the example Word was used:

Go through the log in procedure using your SUNYBroome email and your credentials. The password for this is your MyCollege password not your email password.


After logging in and in finishing your two factor your should be greeted with this:

This should fix any Office365 authentication issues.


Macintosh Troubleshooting

A common error that we see is when users download the Microsoft applications off of the MacOS store their account will never authenticate properly here is an example with the user's information redacted:


If you have this error or an error like it please follow along below. There are many folders that needed to be deleted manually on Macintosh devices to clear cached user crednetials.

Because of this we have been using this tool that Paul Bowden made for this problem, so we don't have to go to all of the folders manually.


Office Reset for Macintosh Computers

Select the link above "Office Reset for Macintosh Computers" to be redirected to the website shown below



Select "Download 2.0 Beta 1"


Select "Allow"


Select "MicrosoftOfficeReset.pkg"


Select "Continue" and "Agree"


Select "Continue"


Select every option in the list shown below and "Continue"


Select "Install"


Type in the password you use to log into your Macintosh device and select "Install Software"


Wait for it to finish deleting all of your Microsoft programs and clearing your cached credentials


Select "Close"


Select "Move to Trash" as the MicrosoftOfficeReset.pkg is no longer needed

You must restart you Macintosh device before trying to reinstall Office

Macintosh Install Quick Link


Addition Information

Need additional information or assistance? Submit a ticket or call the ITS Service Center.